The role of an Occupational Therapist working with neurodivergent individuals means supporting integration, foster greater independence, navigating daily function and activities of daily living, providing the individual with person centred and holistic tools, techniques and strategies to navigate their daily lives, participate in meaningful and purposeful activities which they need, want and/ or would like to do and what they value as important.

Neurodivergence includes conditions such as Attentive deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Dyspraxia, Sensory processing disorder (SPD) to name a few.

Occupational Therapists aims and goal when working with neurodivergence individuals are to outline, focus and address the unique motor (fine and gross), emotional, sensory, and cognitive needs of the individual. Following on from this, the Occupational Therapist can find practical solutions, tools, techniques, strategies, and recommendations to empower the individual to grow, develop and live life their way.

Neurodivergent individuals face sensory challenges i.e emotional regulation, over/under stimulation, sensitivity to touch (tactile), smell (olfactory), hearing (auditory), sight (visual), taste (gustatory), vestibular (balance) and proprioceptive (movement). An Occupational Therapist will take a person centred/ holistic, practical and, hands an approach to problem solve and find solutions as well recommendations to over the above sensory challenges working with neurodivergent individuals.

Occupational Therapists promote daily living skills such as cooking, washing and dressing, fine and gross motor skills, planning, sequencing,

organisational skills and, time management skills to name a few.

Occupational Therapists in an educational/school setting promote interventions and/or recommendations for emotional regulation, sensory circuits, social engagement, sensory inclusive environments, visual aids/planners/schedules. As a result, Occupational Therapists help student thrives both socially and academically.

Occupational Therapists focus on enabling, supporting, advising and, empowering families/parents and/or legal guardians, by providing education around creating supportive / accessible/safe and inclusive school/home environment as well as strengthen routines and be the active voice for beloved ones. Occupational Therapists

The cultural factors to consider as Occupational Therapists are as follows: language and communication, and individual’s cultural identities, family roles and expectations, cultural beliefs of neurodivergent individuals and, cultural stigma, beliefs, societal norms, cultural norms and,

misconceptions of neurodivergent conditions.

In short Occupational Therapists have a key role to play in fostering neurodivergent CYP’s to grow, develop and thrive in an inclusive and accessible world, where the individual can succeed. Occupational Therapists can play a driving force in creating and promoting positive changes and making a difference in the lives of the CYP’s, by breaking down barriers and championing CYP’s to lead meaningful, purposeful and, fulfilling lives. At the same time, embracing their culturally rich diverse culturally identities.