Safeguarding Statement of Intent
Updated: 2025
At the Aspen Clinic, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our patients and the people who access our services. We recognise that all adults, children and young people have the right to be protected from harm, abuse, and neglect, and that it is our responsibility to ensure their safety and well-being while in our care.
The Executive Director Lead for Safeguarding is the Clinical Director for Children and Young People’s services, Hayley Knagg. Our Safeguarding Lead Doctor is Dr. Swanand Patwardhan.
Our Executive Director Lead and Lead Doctor are responsible for overseeing our safeguarding policies and procedures, and for ensuring that all staff members are trained and aware of their safeguarding responsibilities.
Our Commitment
We will:
- Provide a safe and welcoming environment for all adults, children and young people who access our services, regardless of their background, culture, or circumstances.
- Ensure that all staff members are aware of their responsibilities in safeguarding adults, children and young people, and that they understand the procedures for reporting concerns or allegations of abuse or neglect.
- Ensure our staff are appropriately trained in line with intercollegiate guidance.
- Develop and implement effective policies and procedures for safeguarding, including those related to child protection, confidentiality, and information sharing.
- Work in partnership with local authorities and other agencies to ensure: Processes are in place to prevent harm; Processes are in place for effectively responding, where there is a high risk of harm or harm may have been experienced; Processes are in place to learn from events. /li>
- Work in partnership with parents, carers, and other agencies to ensure the best possible outcomes for the people who access our services.
- Continuously monitor and evaluate our safeguarding structures, policies and procedures to ensure that they are effective and up-to-date.
Key Principles
We will adhere to the following key principles in our safeguarding practice:
- The welfare of the vulnerable adult, child or young person is paramount.
- All adults, children and young people have the right to be protected from harm, abuse, and neglect.
- All staff members have a responsibility to report concerns or allegations of abuse or neglect.
- Confidentiality will be maintained, except in cases where there is a risk of harm to a vulnerable adult, child or young person (in line with the relevant regulatory requirements)
- We will work in partnership with other agencies to ensure the best possible outcomes for children and young people.
Reporting Concerns
If you have any concerns about the safety or well-being of a child or young person who accesses our services, please contact a member of our staff or Clinic Manager either by email at [email protected] or by telephone on 0161 560 5905. Alternatively, you can contact the local authority’s child protection team or the police.
Review and Update
This statement of intent will be reviewed and updated annually, or as required by changes in legislation or guidance.